Colin Smith (Cervantes/Don Quixote). Colin was the new kid at
summerstage this year, but he has fit in startlingly well. Why? Colin
is a self-described "diehard optimist." "He is willing
to go down any road if he trusts you." On the first day of summerstage,
he was the first person called up for voice auditions. With a few jitters,
he "put everything that is remotely ‘Colin’ out on
the table" and, well, we adored him. "He has a special way
of connecting with people that proves to be quite rare."
Ashley Hoover (Aldonza/Dulcinea). More than sweet, more than kind, Ashley
is one self-assured mama. "She gives off a strong aura of self-confidence,
groundedness, and sense of self." Ashley is always insightful about
her companions and surroundings. Her confidence (on and offstage) and
her human intuition are the basis of her performance skills. Ashley
finds this year to be her most challenging summerstage experience, due
to the magnitude and complexity of her role.
Molly Arkin (Sancho Panza). Regarding her performance ethic, Molly says:
"I’ve obtained my goal of not staying comfortable. The only
way to grow is to reach out and do things that are outside of your immediate
comfort zone." Ironically, the honest, funny, and "so damn
huggable" Molly inadvertently builds a comfort zone for her peers.
One peer commented: "If you ever need someone to help cheer you
up, go talk to her."
Alice Moore (Governor/Innkeeper). In high school and in life, Alice
has applied a principle she learned from summerstage singing rehearsals:
"If you’re going to be wrong, be loud and wrong" (i.o.w.
if you’re not sure, don’t hang back, be brave enough to
say ‘hold on, I don’t get it’). In addition to being
a tough and versatile actor, Alice is reflective, well-spoken, and a
knee-slapping wit. Much appreciated were Alice’s daily healthy
cookies, a supplement delicious enough to put PCC out of business.
Keenan Sullivan (Duke/Dr. Carrasco). Exhibiting an endearing and "insatiable
appetite for activity," Keenan once described himself as having
the personality of a ringing cowbell. Over the years, his ability to
focus and work has quadrupled, and consequently, a variety of new personalities
have surfaced (among them a more versatile actor and a bit of a closet
philosopher). Unequivocally effected, Keenan reflects that "summerstage
will forever be in [his] heart."
Sarah Goldblatt (Padre). Sarah has become the summerstage "battery,"
due to how constantly she keeps herself and others around her positive
and focused. "She has a good sense of professionalism in her acting
but is able to bring her dry wit along for the ride." Sarah always
does all she has agreed to do. She personally cherishes summerstage
because this group of individuals makes Sarah feel like her most complete
Laurel Stewart (Antonia/Gypsy). "Scientists have pondered for many
years over the paradox of Laurel Stewart. She is so small and yet so
joyful that many believe her presence to be a mere optical illusion".
Laurel pulls off BIG tasks. She is dependable and dedicated to her craft,
yet she also has time to be "the epitome of the perfect friend."
There should really be a warning label on Laurel Stewart regarding how
addictive she is.
Leah Bromet (Housekeeper/Gypsy). Playful. Peaceful. Perfect pitch. These
are just a few words to catch the mix of qualities in Leah. One minute,
she’s got a 6-foot-tall guy in a headlock; the next, she’s
some female Buddah-type, listening to you with quiet intensity. Described
as "open and sensitive" and also noted to be "a healer"
of sorts, Leah goes out of her way for the people she cares about, and
it shows.
Ellen Miller (The Barber/Gypsy). Both in person and onstage, Ellen is
"a bundle of kinetic energy." She’s got a knockout voice
and mature acting skills. "She is willing to make strong character
choices and willing to have them changed by a director." Always
prepared for rehearsal, Ellen "doesn’t lower the bar of expectation
for herself just because she’s the youngest cast member."
Ellen says: "the more you give, the more you get."
Winslow Johnson (Pedro, Head Muleteer). Winslow is "the textbook
definition of low-maintenance when it comes to theater." He accepts
any role and any amount of stage time, be it big or small, and then
follows through on his job thoroughly. We "love him whether he's
wearing a fencing uniform, a dentist's jacket, three weeks' worth of
stubble, or a dress." Also, despite the precision, coordination,
and disturbingly believable grunts he emits during fight choreography,
Winslow is known to sport pigtails now and then.
Robin Stewart (Anselmo). Robin has fun working hard;
he appreciates that in each progressive year of summerstage, a new "ridiculously
hard" challenge is added. Says Robin: "It is not enough for
us to do something we already know is possible." Not only a risk-taker,
Robin is also a "man of peace;" he’s famous for teaching
us a favorite muscle-relaxation exercise called "Linklater."
P.S. Robin can also concoct "a mean website!"
Conor Byrne (Jose). Conor "marches to the beat of a different drum."
Attending rehearsal with bedhead and a grin, Conor was frequently found
inhabiting "The Box," a fort-like creation he built from stage-combat
mats. Summerstagers frequented "The Box" for many a joke,
song, or conversation, appreciating that Conor "doesn’t need
to impress or have attention of others to be happy… he’ll
do the right thing even if he doesn’t think anyone’s watching."
Morgan Harris (Juan/Gypsy). Though a bit of a jokester, Morgan has a
professional acting attitude that is vital for his role in the production.
He handles prisoner ad-libbing with humble grace and treats uncomfortable
fight scenes with great maturity. In addition to this, Morgan’s
voice is often described as "yummy." Despite his firm loyalty
to bass notes, Morgan’s got some "truly terrific tenor tones."
Also, Morgan "is always able to make people feel good about themselves,
their work, and the people around them."
Alexis Lainoff (Paco). Alexis is a powerhouse vocally, physically, spiritually
and creatively. She listens and then asks questions that challenge you
to investigate your own thoughts more deeply. "Alexis believes
summerstage is what has guided her to think outside of the box."
She notices the little things and looks deeper, always searching for
the good or unique. "Alexis is 100% genuine (like the Florida orange
juice, only not in a box)."
Sam Russell (Tenorio/Guitarist). You wouldn't know it from his demented
Dentist character in "Little Shop", but Sam is a pensive powerhouse.
Through summerstage, he has learned to accept his "failures"
as much as his accomplishments. He is comfortable in who he is, and
he exudes "calming, yet invigorating energy" to those around
him. Summerstagers enjoy Sam's mellow guitar-playing, a quality that
sneaked into his onstage character this year.
Paige Pauli (Fermina). One has heard of multiple-personality disorder,
but multiple-talent disorder? Paige is not only a dancing sensation
or an artistic fiend (co-creator of Don Quixote's horse-head props,
designer of multiple summerstage posters); she has recently put a motherload
of work into her singing. She puts the same amount of work into people.
Paige is "caring beyond belief. She goes out of her way to make
sure people are alright."
Kelly McDonald (Onstage Director). Kelly is observed to "embrace
the concept of ‘play’" as much as she embraces the
time and effort it takes to shape a character. "She always seems
eager to try new things, which pushes other people to do the same, which
in turn, makes an overall better show." Kelly seems to have a remarkable
bond with every summerstager (she should really be put on the market
as an adhesive product). Somehow, her heart made it a step higher on
the evolutionary scale.
Meagan Mays (Prisoner, Gypsy Girl). Entropy: noun. gr. "a measure
of the degree of random movement within a system." Meagan’s
refreshingly unselfconscious soul displays one of the world’s
highest degrees of entropy. She reminds us that the sincerest thing
is a random act of kindness. One of Meagan’s favorite summerstage
experiences was working behind the scenes with costumes.
Jill Muscatel (Prisoner, Horse, Gypsy). Jill’s goal this year
was "to have fun playing a small part well" and she launched
head first into her role. Jill is one of those rare actors comfortable
with ad-libbing and improvised movement. She is also an enthusiastic
fight choreography participant. Despite that Jill is kind, caring, and
jovial, Time magazine may give her Most Vicious Prisoner of the Year.
Brittany Stallings (Prisoner, Horse, Gypsy). Everyone
comments on Brittany’s great smile, likely because it reflects
her positive attitude about life. "She is fun-loving, has a great
sense of humor, and at the same time, can be focused and take serious
things seriously." Though sometimes a bit mischievous, "Brittany
treats art as if she is simply taking a deep, satisfying breath."